Synthesizer V Studio Purchase Guide

On June 26, 2020 together with AHS Co., Ltd., we announced Synthesizer V Studio, the largest-ever upgrade to Synthesizer V. The full event is covered on our YouTube channel.


This post is a summary for customers interested in purchasing or upgrading to Synthesizer V Studio from a previous version. Due to logistics and the ongoing pandemic situation, shipping times could vary. We will keep the information updated.



Synthesizer V Studio will come in two versions: the free Synthesizer V Studio Basic and the paid Synthesizer V Studio Pro.

The Basic version covers most features from the previous generation Synthesizer V Editor but is limited to 3 tracks and up to 2 cores for background rendering; the Pro version removes these limits and has extra features such as Auto Pitch Tuning, Alternative Pronunciations, Lua/JavaScript Scripting, etc. Detailed information can be seen on our product page. Note that paid voices can be used in Synthesizer V Studio Basic, though without the advanced features.


Download for Synthesizer V Studio Basic will become available on July 31, 2020.


From AHS

For Japanese and most international customers, the recommended way of getting Synthesizer V Studio Pro is through AHS Store. The product comes in two formats: package version and download version. The contents are the same but the package version is under various campaigns.

A starter pack version is also available through AHS: Synthesizer V Studio Pro bundled with any 2nd generation Synthesizer V voice of choice, at a price cheaper than purchasing the packages separately.

The download version is the only version accessible to overseas customers at the moment. However on the plus side, the checkout process is well supported in English.


The followings are pre-tax prices.

Package version – 12, 800 Yen (50% discount until Sept. 30, 2020)

Download version – 9, 800 Yen

Starter Pack (package) – 18, 000 Yen (50% discount until Sept. 30, 2020)


Shipping will start on July 30, 2020. AHS Store has started taking pre-orders since June 26.


From Retailers (Japan)

The package version for Synthesizer V Studio Pro is also available via major retailers such as Amazon Japan, Sound House, and BIC CAMERA. Sales will start on July 30, 2020.


From Quadimension

Quadimension (Beijing Photek S&T) offers the download version of Synthesizer V Studio Pro on its official Taobao store.

Synthesizer V Studio Pro is offered to new users at 649 CNY.

Existing users of Synthesizer V Editor (purchased from Quadimension) may upgrade to Synthesizer V Studio Pro at a discounted 200 CNY. This upgrade campaign lasts until August 26, 2020. Similar upgrade options are available for Synthesizer V voices offered by Quadimension.


Shipping will start on July 10, 2020. Quadimension has started taking pre-orders since June 26.


From Animen

We are working with Animen towards a July 10, 2020 release of Synthesizer V Studio Pro on AniCUTE. More information will be available when the website updates.

(Update) The new website will open on July 12.
